Predators in the Sikh community deserve to be exposed

Navjot Pal Kaur
2 min readSep 30, 2021

With the recent relevations about Bhai Sukha Singh, a pacharak in the United Kingdom who was exposed to be sexually harassing minors and members of the sangat, we must have difficult conversations about what accountability looks like, and what happens when male-dominated spaces take the conversations from everyone impacted.

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When the accusations against Sukha Singh -a UK based pacharak- surfaced on Twitter, it reminded me of this story about Gurdarshan Singh and the abuses he committed against sangat members through his time as Head Granthi and someone the community looked up to. Due to the fact that pacharaks and granthis travel across the world, the Sikh sangat is very generous in opening their homes to traveling granthis and pacharaks. But that comes with a high cost, as children and adults report incidences of inappropriate conduct.

As the Me Too movement has been able to hold those who violate the boundaries, human rights and dignities of people who are harmed by sexual harassment and assault, we are seeing more courage from the Sikh sangat to directly address those who have been violating their own powers as community and spiritual guides and are coming forward to hold predators accountable.

All of the credit for this exposure of Sukha Singh belongs to Kaur Movement and Kaur Abuse Network, who have been highlighting the abuses happening in Gurdwaras across the diaspora and have been fighting for full accountability. Also, the brave men and women who found their voice and wanted to speak out about this. It is a crucial turning point for this generation to be able to come forward and talking about sexual abuse and how to prevent within our communities and having conversations about what sexual harassment and abuse look like and how children should be able to come forward and report it if it is happening to them.

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Here are some highlights from the conversation happening online about Sukha Singh:

Kaur Republic stands in solidarity with the survivors of this horrific abuse and are ready to help [with direction and guidance of those who are taking the lead on accountability] make sure that those who abuse their power are held to account.

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Navjot Pal Kaur

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